sample letter to landlord for mold repair

Apartment building

We’d like to provide you with a sample letter to landlord for mold repair. If you’ve found mold in your rental house or apartment, your landlord should remove the mold and correct the problem that led to the growth of mold in the first place. For instance, if there is mold on your ceiling due to a leaky roof, your landlord should repair the roof as well as removing the mold from the ceiling. Otherwise, the mold will just come back.

Sample Letter #1

Here is a sample letter to landlord for mold repair, letting the landlord know in writing about the mold. While you can telephone your landlord to tell him about the mold or speak to him about it in person, we recommend following up with a letter. A letter lets your landlord know you’re serious about getting the problem fixed and it provides a paper trail in the event your landlord resists doing the job.

If you like, you can send the letter by certified mail so that you will have proof of delivery. That may not be necessary with a first letter, though. Do make sure you keep a copy of the letter for your records.

We also recommend enclosing photos of the mold. That way your landlord can see the extent of the problem. Taking photographs also gives you proof of when the problem began and how bad it was.

Make your letter short, direct and to-the-point. Give your landlord a date by which you expect a response.

Robert Renter
107 Your Street, apt. 7
Your Town, OH 44902

August 1, 2016

Lyle Landlord
207 His Street
His Town, OH 44906

Dear Mr. Landlord:

As you know, I phoned you on July 30, 2016, to let you know I’ve discovered mold growing beneath my kitchen sink. I’m enclosing a few photographs so you can see the extent of the problem. I hope you will arrange to have the mold removed as soon as possible, so that it does not spread. Please contact me at 740-555-1234 by August 8, 2016 to let me know when you will coming to address the problem.


Robert Renter

Sample Letter #2

And here is another sample letter to landlord for mold repair, in case your landlord has not responded to your initial requests to have mold removed from your rental unit or if you are not satisfied with his response. If you must send a second letter, send it by certified mail. That lets your landlord know you’re serious and also provides proof that the letter was received.

Let your landlord know what action you plan to take with regard to his failure to remove the mold from your rental unit. In some states, you may be able to withhold rent payments until the unit is made livable but don’t threaten to do that – and definitely don’t do it – without consulting an attorney to find out what the law in your state says.

You can learn more about mold in apartments and what you can do here.

Robert Renter
107 Your Street, apt. 7
Your Town, OH 44902

August 10, 2016

Lyle Landlord
207 His Street
His Town, OH 44906

Dear Mr. Landlord:

As you know, I phoned you on July 30, 2016, to let you know I’ve discovered mold growing beneath my kitchen sink. Then I contacted you by mail in a letter dated August 1, 2016, asking you to let me know when you would be addressing the mold problem. Since I have not heard from you, I am contacting the My County Department of Health to request assistance in getting the mold removed from my home.

I would like you to contact me at 740-555-1234 to let me know when you will coming to address the problem. I expect it to be done in a timely manner in order to prevent possible harm to my health.


Robert Renter

For Help Dealing with Apartment Mold

When you rent a home or apartment, you naturally expect the landlord to maintain the rental unit. You don’t expect to have to pay for mold removal yourself. Even so, you can schedule a free consultation with a mold removal professional. You’ll get documentation of the mold from a professional, along with a written estimate for the cost of the job. You can forward a copy of this to your landlord. To find mold removal professionals offering free consultations in your area, just follow the link provided.

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