Detoxification From Mold In The Home

Do you need detoxification from mold exposure to protect your health and prevent disease? If you are one of the many homeowners who notice mold growing inside your house, or simply think you may be suffering from the symptoms of mold toxicity, it is wise to learn how to cleanse your body from the inside out.

Unfortunately, mold can release dangerous mycotoxins into the air we breathe, settling on our food, clothing, and household surfaces. Without professional remediation, these spores spread around and can profoundly affect our home and health; which is why it is essential to take this medical risk seriously. Thankfully, doctors and scientists have a good understanding about what makes mold so harmful and what you can do if you think you or members of your family are experiencing symptoms of mold illness. We explain more below about the signs, and how to treat yourself if you think you are suffering from the effects of spore exposure.

Why Does Mold Cause Toxicity in the Body?

Mycotoxins are organic, poisonous compounds that naturally occur in mold and other fungi. They are naturally released into the environment. If ingested in large quantities, they can contribute to serious health problems. These issues include allergic reactions, acute severe respiratory infections like pneumonia, and over time, even the development of chronic medical conditions like depression and peripheral neuropathy. You can read more about the illnesses that can develop due to mold exposure.

Can I Rid Myself of Mold Toxicity Naturally?

While some people suffering from the effects of mold toxicity can rid their bodies of the organic poison naturally, others need to see their doctor, especially if the signs of illness do not go away quickly. The symptoms of mold illness often mimic other conditions like allergies, the common cold, and influenza, so you may not know you are suffering from this type of toxicity right away. To help guide you in determining the cause of your sickness and finding relief, we explain some of the steps to mold detoxification below and what you can do if you do not start to feel better.

Steps to Mold Detoxification

Detoxification from mold can take time, and we recommend that you see a doctor for treatment. If you are interested in ways you can help you detoxify naturally, there are a few things your doctor may recommend:

Removing Foods from Your Diet: First, avoid food and drinks that are often subject to mold contamination. Beverages that may have mycotoxins in them include beer, wine, and liquor. These alcoholic drinks contain brewer’s yeast and fermented fruits and grains, which often contain some amount of mold spores. Food items to avoid include wheat, rye, barley, corn, cottonseed oil, peanuts, sorghum, mushrooms and all types of hard cheeses. You should also avoid sugar that derives from sugar cane and sugar beets, which are known to have mold in them. 


Increasing Herbs and Supplements: You can also increase certain foods to detoxify yourself, including the amount of garlic and ginger in your diet. Natural health professionals say these act as antifungal and antibacterial agents. Some healthcare providers also recommend ramping up your Omega-3 fats and vitamin D with food items like fish and yogurt, or using vitamin supplements. Echinacea, dandelion root and gingko biloba are also believed to remove harmful substances from the body’s organs and increase circulation. 

Remember, these are general recommendations. You should talk with your doctor first about adding foods, drinks, or vitamins to your diet, especially if you take prescriptions or have other health conditions.

Environmental Changes: You can also make natural changes to your environment to help detoxify. Start by using an air purifier in the most often used rooms in your home. You can also have an HVAC contractor install a whole house air purification system. These devices will ensure that you and your family are breathing in the cleanest air possible, which increases the healthy oxygen levels in your body and helps remove toxins from your respiratory system.

If your symptoms do not improve, speak to your doctor. You may need an antibiotic, or they may recommend you to a specialist. 

If you or your doctor suspect there is mold in your home, you should also call a mold removal professional. If mold is found, your doctor will determine whether it is safe for you to remain in your home until the mold is removed.

Getting Professional Mold Removal for Your Home

Whether it is from events like water damage or a home that has excess humidity, toxic mold can quickly develop and grow within the cleanest residence. Even a brand new home can have mold, and it may be difficult to find.

You can schedule a free in-home inspection and consultation with an experienced mold removal company in your community. If mold is found, the remediation professional will devise a plan for removal, and give you a written estimate. In some cases, the removal cost could be covered by your homeowners insurance. Just follow this link to get a list of experienced and qualified mold removal professionals in your area that provide free home inspections. 

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